Thursday, August 13, 2015

You can't buy a perfect body

People buy things all the time. Sure, you can get plastic surgery, and if that makes you happier, go for it. But let's be honest here. The bodies you see on TVs, Youtube videos, and fitness trainers don't all come from plastic surgery. It comes from plain sweat and hard work. I think if you go around buying fitness plans hoping to follow them and get a perfect body then you're wasting your time. It's true, buying them may not be bad and you may get a better looking body, but why don't you do it on your own? You don't need anyone to tell you what to do. You should do what makes you most comfortable and most happy with your body. Don't let images and a book define you. Your happiness comes before anything. You can't buy a perfect body. You can't buy the kind of self pride you get from succeeding in something with your own two hands. I just want you to know. Happiness comes from yourself. You don;t have to buy anything.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Shorts, gun control? Attack the right problem

Here's something EVERYBODY should take note to. And first let me get this straight I am aware I am only 16, but don't you come here and tell me I'm only 16, what could I know. Well here's something I know. If a girl is getting sexually harassed because she is wearing shorts, it is not the girl you should be punishing. Instead of reprimanding a girl for wearing shorts why don't you tell boys to stop looking at girls like a sex object? And when someone with a mental illness kills people with a gun, don't fucking go up the security on gun control, figure out how to cure mental illnesses. PLEASE LEARN TO ATTACK THE RIGHT PROBLEM! I don't want to hear a women being raped and people saying it's the woman's fault. THAT'S BULLSHIT. I don't want to hear people talk about how girls shorts are too short just because who the fuck are you to judge? Your body is your own. You do what you want to do. Who ever gave you, or anybody, the right to judge. I admit sometimes girls shorts are very short, so maybe try to fix the fucking problem by making stores sell longer shorts. Yes? Sound appealing? I sure as hell think that better than humiliating girls for wearing shorts that they bought BECAUSE THAT'S WHATS ON THE RACK NOWADAYS. If you can't attack the right problems it's no wonder our societies dying off. Rape is not the woman's fault. Short shorts are not a crime. We distract the boys? Why don't they fucking learn to keep their eyes on themselves? Hey, here's something you may have never known. Most girls don't wear shorts to look like a slut :O we wear them to stay cool cause it's hot outside. So fuck you. Fuck society. Fuck rape culture. Fuck anyone who thinks they have the right to judge who we are. If I'm wearing clothes that I like and my butt isn't hanging out and my boobs aren't falling out and you still have a problem with it, IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM. Why are YOU looking at me if you don't like what you see? Does it make you feel better? Why do you slut shame my body. Is my body for you? Cause it doesn't seem like it's mine anymore. Right and another thing I just remembered haha. We can't wear tank tops in school or pants shorter than our fingers, why are we allowed to wear swimsuits, why are boys allowed to wear swimsuits? Honestly, it's the same thing. It only becomes a big deal when people start pointing it out. If people just fucking minded their own business it'd all be good.

Friday, February 20, 2015


People are all labelled. This is true. We have names for everything,labels for everything. Like excuses stuck onto people because "that's just what they are." Freak. Nerd. Bipolar. Depressed. Optimist. Pessimist. Geek. Jock. Labels become who we are. How does that even make sense. Why should we live like this? What the hell are we doing with our lives. People confuse me, yet this is our society... and we make society.
p.s. I recently read a book called All the Bright Places, go read it, it is amazing.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Sometimes it's really hard to live. Sometimes it's hard to breathe. I will always want to do something I will regret, it will never stop. I will always feel the need to hurt myself. I will always hate some part of me. When will I learn to accept. Some nights I will cry. Some days I will break. And I wonder how long it will take to break me apart. It hurts to breathe, it hurts to live, it hurts so much right now. You don't know I need you right now, but I need you so much, I need you so much.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Self Pity

We all have self pity. It's a part of us. But sometimes instead of choosing to allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself you should stand up for your happiness. I don't think having a mental illness is self pity. I just think that sometimes if you want people to care, going to someone and talking about yourself like you're completely hopeless comes off as extremely self pitying. I'm not saying don't do it ever cause people need to be dependent sometimes, but I'm saying son't do it so often that other people can't handle it. Honestly, recently I've realized that I've had a lot of self pity and it's really disgusting. like I think it's awful. I need to start standing up for myself and stop being so scared. So do you.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


I am afraid of the future. I can't imagine surviving to an old age. I can't imagine marrying. I can't imagine having children. I fear this world, and I fear my ability to bring life into this world. How could I bring a child into a world like this? A world I despise so deeply. I don't know who I am here, how allow myself to bring anything, anyone to live in a world I can not stand. Too much self hate, too much pain is in this world. I am so scared of the future, everything that has not happened yet, I fear surviving.